A Few Helpful Tips for your Telemarketing Campaigns

telemarketing list, list of C-level executives, C-level executives, B2B leadsWhen planning to use telemarketing as a way to do lead generation and increase your clientele, you may have already prepared for it beforehand. You may have already bought a telemarketing list, a list of C-level executives, or any other list that meets your needs. Given that you’ve found yourself a good list provider, then things could go very well for your firm. So, here are a few tips for you and running your telemarketing campaign.

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A Very Short Guide to Telemarketing in Canada

A successful telemarketing campaign is one which adapts to changes in its marketing
environment. One such type of change in the telemarketing landscape is the enactment
of rules and regulations that affect how telemarketing campaigns are conducted. We
saw this happen in 2008 when Canada put into place a more stringent set of Do Not
Call List (DNCL) regulations and other related rules which had telemarketers reshaping
their strategies altogether, from their choice of telemarketing list providers all the
way to the tactics they use. These rules are still firmly in place today. So, if you’re a
telemarketer who’s about to launch a campaign targeting consumers in Canada, here’s
a quick heads up on some basic regulatory matters you need to know.

Just as a US telemarketing list should be carefully filtered for entries included in the
DNC list, so too must a telemarketing list of Canadian contacts. Authorities in Canada have
already imposed a penalty of $1.3 million on a company for telemarketing individuals
registered in the Canadian DNCL. Unless you’re part of a Canadian charitable institution,
political party, or widely-read newspaper, you don’t have to worry about this exclusion
list when telemarketing. But if you’re not, then you better make sure your telemarketing
list provider had thoroughly sifted through the contacts they handed over.

Aside from ensuring that your telemarketing list in Canada does not have anyone
from the DNC list, you also have to follow some telemarketing rules. So, after you have
consulted with your telemarketing list provider, you must know the schedules when
telemarketing is allowed, which is from 9 in the morning to 9:30 in the evening on
weekdays and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends, local time. Canadian laws also require
telemarketers to disclose the person or company the caller represents and must provide
contact information as well.

In addition to the DNC list, you also need to make sure that your telemarketing list
provider does not include emergency and healthcare facilities in the list. You also need
to keep in mind that sequential dialing is not allowed in Canada. These are a few of the
things you should double check when you have a telemarketing campaign in Canada.